1splashthin bleachI use a drop of it in all my washing, but this is optional
½mugbicarbonate of soda / baking sodaif you only have sachets use around 5
Fill the bucket or bath with enough hot water so that the towels can properly soak and then pour into this the bottle of vinegar.
Leave them to soak for half an hour and then give the towels a good hand scrub and then leave again for another half an hour.
Drain off the towels and squeeze out the liquid before putting them into the washing machine.
I have a bucket of bicarbonate of soda always on standby for cleaning and the mug stays in the bucket, but if you use the sachets you may need around 5 of them to do the job.
Place the bicarbonate of soda into the drum with the towels and close the door.
Place the detergent as you would into the drawer along with the bleach (if you wish to).
Turn the washing machine onto the hottest setting possible (ours has a setting which reaches 95 degrees celsius) and then either use the tumble dryer or a clothes horse to hang them to dry.