Hello to you all and thanks for visiting.

I’ll put the kettle on… Tea and biscuits or coffee and cake?

I’m Nanny Craig. Not in the actual sense but more in the way that I am there for you and always have a few recipes and tips up my sleeve. It was actually a nickname I was given whilst at school and stuck ever since. Whether making sure friends had eaten lunch, wiping a tear, turning a frown into a beautiful smile or bringing in cake and biscuits to boost the mood, I quickly became known as Nanny Craig (or shortened to simply Nan).

So who exactly am I? I’m Craig and as of recently I joined the 30’s club with wrinkles, bad joints and all. I am from the UK and have lived in many places, but predominantly in Germany (where I am curently). If you haven’t gathered already from this fabulous layout and colour scheme, I am gay and I live with my boyfriend (he’s German) and we have been happily together since Oct 2015.


I hope more than anything you will get some delicious (but most importantly quick and easy) recipes, tips to use in your every day life and some TLC and advice if you would like.

After going through many highs and lows so far in life, I thought that it would be a good time to share what I know and offer advice (or a virtual hug).

So if you are looking for some quick guidance for recipes in the week or need a pick-me-up or even would like to talk to me and ask for advice, please take a browse or get in touch with me.

If you ever fancy a natter, wish to share your feedback or get in touch, please do so either by sending me an email, writing a comment or adding @nanny.craig to your instagram post to share your creations.

1 thought on “About Me”

  1. Heinrich Plum

    Hallo Craig , eine wirklich tolle Seite und super Bilder ! Ich weiß ja das du auf dem Gebiet des Baking (Übersetzung Helga) ein Zauberer bist . Wünsche dir viel Erfolg , schau ab und zu rein . Freue mich aber auch auf ein persönliches Treffen . Herzliche Grüße , auch von Helga und natürlich an Sebastian 🤗

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