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Whatever you need... 
I'm your Nan!

Whether you are needing some inspiration or help with what to cook or bake, some useful tips and tricks to keep up your sleeve, to keep your sanity at bay or seeking advice, then look no further… because I am here for you.

When you are an absolute beginner to baking or cooking, recipes seem sometimes really daunting. I hope that these will give you some enthusiasm to continue. Most importantly, they are tried and tested recipes, so I am sure you’ll succeed.

“You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs!”

Life will always be filled with obstacles and there will be ups and downs, but it is important to always keep in mind that in order to achieve what you want that you may face many difficulties to get the desired outcome.
Keep going and don't let anything or anyone stop you from reaching your dreams!
Eggs for Easter


When it comes to rustling something together in the kitchen there are two things to remember:


Of course, you may need to be patient for the cooking/baking time, but in terms of putting it together it should be as simple as possible. Even if you are a novice, it is key to not overcomplicate things and keep to proven tips and methods.

Crafts & tips

If you are anything like me, I do love a bit of DIY (Do-It-Yourself) because there is nothing more loving than giving something to someone that you have spent time making yourself.

Whether it is something you will do alone or with friends or children, I hope my craft ideas will keep you busy and you’re happy with the finished piece(s), too. 

Talk to nanny craig

Additionally, If you need some advice or tips and need someone to ask, feel free to get in touch. Whether you would like to keep it via email or you don’t mind me posting the problem anonymously on here with my advice, please know that I am here for you and will help you as much as I can.

Make Yourself Feel At Home

Just like visiting your Nan/Gran/Grandma, I want you to feel at ease and take your mind off the worries you have currently,  therefore relax and take your time to wind down and find something on here to get creative (either crafts or whipping up a storm in the kitchen).  

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